Simply click to edit headlines and content, new articles and images, social sharing or anything else your email campaigns contain. In one word: Easy.
Easily send out targeted emails to custom segments of subscribers with a few clicks of your mouse. RSS to email, A/B testing, auto responders, and dynamic data - to name a few.
Tracking each campaign's effectiveness with easy to use reports. Analytics on opens / clicks, bounces, social media sharing, email clients and more.
One of the most powerful tools any business can deploy along side its website is email marketing. It greatly improves brand awareness, drives traffic to your site and excels in Return on Investment (ROI). Email marketing is measurable in ways direct mail never could be, all while costing around 100 times LESS.
EchoShot makes use of custom designed email templates that are branded and structured specifically to meet your business’s unique needs.
EchoShot packs tons of amazing features that are both intuitive to use and easy to understand.
It simplifies the process for you, so you can efficiently create and track campaigns.
Users will see only your logo and content, not who it was delivered by.
Built-in content delivery network for super fast image loads.
Deliver mobile ready email campaigns to subscribers with ease.
No templates. Tailored designs that meet your brand's needs.
Customize your own connections to your data.
Amplify your campaigns with social media sharing.
You test, we present the winner you should send your subscribers.
Seamlessly insert any RSS feed content with a single click.
Auto scheduled, pre-defined messages to your send list.
Easily send to targeted groups based upon your specifications.
Deep and insightful reporting that's easy to follow and understand.
Geek out and watch users devour your content in real time.
If you're interested in email marketing done right, please get in touch.